O Sheik dos bitcoins em entrevista a TV Record.

As the money came in, Francis made two moves: sharpening his Christian rhetoric, showing himself to be practically religious, and investing in luxurious style, circulating in private planes and helicopters and expensive restaurants, wearing designer clothes and maintaining a kind of Brazil-United Arab Emirates air bridge.Read More →

Pendulum JUmp in Urici, south of Brazil

Would you live this experience? The Pendulum Jump in Brazil, captured by @fragatafpv, is a life-changing leap that will challenge your limits. This 2.5-second free fall is done over the Avencal Waterfall, a beautiful sight that’s 100 meters high and located 10 km away from the city center of Urubici, in the mountain range of Santa Catarina. If you’re looking for a heart-stopping activity that brings you closer to nature, this is it. The 2.5 seconds free fall over the Avencal Waterfall happens on a magnificient scenery that’s 100 meters high and located 10 km away from the village of Urubici, in the State ofRead More →

Engineer on the side of the road.

After the construction boom, the situation is dramatic in Brazil, and in crisis, even unemployed engineers have become Uber drivers. Since the economic crisis took place in Brazil, sweeping jobs in companies in various sectors, it is increasingly common to find someone who has joined the transport and delivery applications, such as 99, Uber, iFood and Rappi, to pay for their bills. But the worst is that it is not only professionals without specific qualifications who are resorting to the “uberization” of work. The employment recovery has been so slow that even more qualified professionals, such as engineers with higher education (complete or incomplete), areRead More →