O Sheik dos bitcoins em entrevista a TV Record.

As the money came in, Francis made two moves: sharpening his Christian rhetoric, showing himself to be practically religious, and investing in luxurious style, circulating in private planes and helicopters and expensive restaurants, wearing designer clothes and maintaining a kind of Brazil-United Arab Emirates air bridge.Read More →

Pendulum JUmp in Urici, south of Brazil

Would you live this experience? The Pendulum Jump in Brazil, captured by @fragatafpv, is a life-changing leap that will challenge your limits. This 2.5-second free fall is done over the Avencal Waterfall, a beautiful sight that’s 100 meters high and located 10 km away from the city center of Urubici, in the mountain range of Santa Catarina. If you’re looking for a heart-stopping activity that brings you closer to nature, this is it. The 2.5 seconds free fall over the Avencal Waterfall happens on a magnificient scenery that’s 100 meters high and located 10 km away from the village of Urubici, in the State ofRead More →